Sometimes people experience difficulty in meeting their financial obligations due a number of different, and often unexpected reasons. We are here to help you get through this time.

If you have a loan with us and you find yourself unable to make your repayment and need to reschedule. Please contact us for assistance. Call us on 1300 271 902 to discuss your account today.

What is financial hardship?

Financial hardship is when unexpected events or unforeseen changes can impact an individual’s ability to make their loan repayments.

If your financial situation changes during your loan term and you can’t meet regular repayments for a short time. Please contact us on 1300 271 902  to discuss your options.

We’ll always work with you to get the best outcome. We understand that these situations are stressful enough without us adding to the pressure.

What if I need financial hardship assistance?

If you have experienced an event that has impacted your ability to make repayments, please let us know by calling us on 1300 271 902 . We consider each request for financial hardship assistance on a case-by-case basis. So once we have an understanding of your individual circumstances, we can discuss your options for repayment.

I’m experiencing financial hardship, what are my options?

If you’re finding it difficult to make repayments, please give us a call on 1300 271 902  so that we can discuss your options. Depending on your individual circumstances we may offer you an extended payment plan or short payment holiday while you get back on track. We’re committed to assisting you during difficult times while you get back on your feet.